Отель Эльтур Отель Эльтур расположен в Приэльбрусье, а именно на поляне Азау (2300м). Гостиницы и отели Приэльбрусья построены для горнолыжного отдыха и выздоровления. Пятиэтажный корпус отеля Эльтур предлагает для размещения комфортабельные номера со всеми удобствами, от класса "стандарт" до "люкс". Канатная дорога для подъема на Эльбрус находится всего в 30м от...
The Best Destinations of 2018
Before visiting last month, my friends painted a picture of a city hot, filled with malls and expensive stores, restaurants, lots of expats, and a bit soulless. “It’s artificial and fake like Vegas and doesn’t demand more than a day or two,” they told me. But when people tell me...
72 Hours in Toronto
Before visiting last month, my friends painted a picture of a city hot, filled with malls and expensive stores, restaurants, lots of expats, and a bit soulless. “It’s artificial and fake like Vegas and doesn’t demand more than a day or two,” they told me. But when people tell me...
Visiting the UAE
Before visiting last month, my friends painted a picture of a city hot, filled with malls and expensive stores, restaurants, lots of expats, and a bit soulless. “It’s artificial and fake like Vegas and doesn’t demand more than a day or two,” they told me. But when people tell me...